A New Narrative

Jeremy Koling – the voice of disc golf – is now on Team MVP!
It goes without saying that Jeremy Koling is a core fixture in the world of disc golf. And that, it should also go without saying, is not by accident. Jeremy has stacked up years of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice to do something that – if you aren’t paying attention – might seem predestined or even effortless. That couldn’t be further from the truth.
You don’t become the voice of disc golf easily. Jeremy put in the work on the course for years before earning the respect and admiration required to become just that. Along the way, Jeremy has arguably become the best forehand thrower in disc golf history – stacking up some truly momentous wins, including the USDGC, 2 NTs, 2 DGPT events, and you can’t forget his Amateur World Championship.
The resume speaks for itself. Jeremy is one of the faces of the sport and has really grown alongside it over the course of his career. We think that growth isn’t slowing down any time soon, and we see Jeremy as a pillar of the sport moving forward who can continue to help it grow and reach new audiences. MVP isn’t done growing, and we are constantly searching for people whose values and goals align with ours – we are looking for people who can continue to grow with us. Jeremy is someone we have identified as an ideal Team MVP member for a while now. We value great people first, and Jeremy is – without a doubt – a great person.
The opportunity to partner with someone with Jerm’s resume doesn’t come along often, and we are both humbled and excited to have this chance. The future is bright for MVP, but we think it’s even brighter paired with Jeremy Koling.
Big Jerm’s voice, talent, and years of experience are all things we are extremely excited to add to Team MVP. We hope you all are ready to come along on this journey with us – we’ve got big things ahead, and now we have Big Jerm to help us get there.